Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bannock (pan bread)


This is an old standby recipe used by Boy and Girl scouts to make bread while out camping.  It is very simple to make but also very tasty, also used by early pioneers; it is similar to Indian fry bread.  Indian fry bread traditionally is made with a yeast dough; this recipe does not use yeast.


Traditional Recipe

2-cups flour
2-tbs baking powder
2-tbs sugar (more if you like)
2-pinches salt

Mix all ingredients together and add just enough water to make a dough; divide the dough into 4-6 pieces and form each piece into a thick patty and place each patty into and oiled skillet.  On med-low heat brown each side till golden brown; at this point when both sides are browned it should be done.


Iite Version


2-cups baking mix
2-tbs splenda
2-pinches salt
Use the same directions as above.  You can also bake both versions.
for added fun you can add dried fruit or fresh fruit. Just about any flavor or coating can be added to make these taste the way you like.          Thats it


Thursday, September 20, 2012

"Spotted Pup" (Cowboy Pudding)

Spotted Pup is an old frontier dessert made very simple due to the lack of certain ingredients which just was not available to early travelers, eggs being the most common item not readily available to travelers. So this recipe is an early version of rice pudding; also known as "Cowboy Pudding" and was made in a dutch oven over a open fire.  This also works if your are out camping and have a dutch oven, but my version is more modern that can be made at home on the stove.

2-cups uncooked white rice (I prefer jasmin rice)
1/2-cup wheat bran
2-cups slenda or sugar
3-quarts skim milk. or canned milk in equivalent amount.
1-lb raisins or other dried fruit
1-tbs nutmeg

Place all ingredients in large sauce pan or dutch oven; and bring to just starting to bubble. reduce heat to simmer and stir frequently as sticking will happen real easy. when rice is done (about 20 minutes) keep stirring as this will help with the thickening; keep on low heat stirring constantly until spoon stands up on it's own, at this point the pudding is done and ready.     Thats it
I frequently use left-over rice in a similar way it's faster and a good use of left-overs. just adjust the ingredients according to the amount of rice you have

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Huckle Buckle


This recipe is a quick dessert so simple I recommend that you let kids or non-cooks make it.
If you don't have Huckle Berries in your area; Blue Berries make a good substitute.


1 white cake mix
2 cups Huckle Berries or Blue Berries
1/4 cup Oat Bran


Mix the cake mix according to the directions on the package. Add your berries to the mix and pour into a well non-stick 9x9 inch cake pan and add a few berries to the top; and bake according to the instructions on the cake mix.                                         Thats it