Monday, November 19, 2012


This is a recipe that I saw recently; about weird holiday desserts and thought it might be fun to pass on this ridicules recipe just for fun.  But if you like it and brave enough to try it more power to you.  I won't try it.

This is a three layer cake; for lack of any other description.

2- cake mixes (your choice)
3- 8" pies pre-baked (any kind that has a top crust))
enough frosting to cover a three layer cake.

Mix up all of the cake mixes and set aside. Using three 9" round cake pans add just enough cake mix to cover the bottom of each cake pan and then add a pie on top of this (less the pie tin) now cover each pie well with the remaining cake mix and bake till each cake is done.  Now set each cake on a cooling rack for 1hr.  Carefully remove the cool cakes out of their pans and stack each cake on top of each other with a thin layer of frosting in between each layer; let that set for a few minutes then frost the whole cake.          You now have a three layer ridicules cake
This should make any teenager or caveman ready for dessert

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