Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"Coffee Filter Cheese"

This is a fun and unusual "Recipe".


1- cup fat free plain yogurt (the flavored ones don't work)
1- coffee filter
1- small strainer
1- bowl slightly smaller than the strainer.

You simply add a cup of the yogurt to the coffee filter; now place the filter with the yogurt into the strainer; then place the strainer over the bowl and place into you fridge, for approx. 4-5 days.  At end of the 4-5 days most of the moister in the yogurt will be drained out and you now have yogurt cheese spread to apply to you morning toast.
That's It!!


  1. I just made homemade cream cheese from my homemade yogurt yesterday and was disappointed with the results. I used to make it all the time. Either my taste buds have changed, or I had a different recipe. I think that I'll try this. The homemade yogurt is tart and I like that but tart cream cheese doesn't work for me any more. I'm so happy that you posted this. My weekly trip to town is today... adding yogurt to the list for the recipe. You're the best, Mike! Where are you now?

  2. go to the tumble weeds tab for an update
